Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Angling an Obsession

Angling has become an obsession. What started out as a thoroughly enjoyable hobby for me as a child has sprung into a full blown fetish as an adult. Every chance I get I want to be out on the pond. Rain or shine, you will catch me praying the "The Fishing Gods". I am still a bit shaky on how I want to fully go about shooting for this project, but I thought a good place to start was to document the habits of a fisherman who is even more obsessed than I am. This angler is Peter, my older brother. Mostly everything I have learned over the years about bass fishing I either learned directly from him, or learned with him. He seems to always know the right bait to throw, or the right cove to fish, because he is actively angling his obsession every waking minute.
Peter, Lake Winnipesaukee, 2008

You have to be highly fixated with a "hobby" to sit for hours trolling the same 1/2 acre spot, staring only at a sonar representation of the bottom structure.

Enough Rods?, 2008

Keep in mind that these are only the rods that were left at home while he was at a fishing tournament (he had about 15 more rods with reels on the boat with him)

Tackle Room, 2008

Who else other than an obsessive angler would have a veritable fishing store in his basement? Keep in mind that this is the end of the fishing season, you should see this wall in February.

Silver Buddies, 2008
The company that makes "Silver Buddies" was going out of business, so what does the obsessive fisherman do? Well, duh, buy a lifetime's supply.

Fisherman's Bedroom, 2008
What kind of person hangs a portrait of a smallmouth bass above their bed?

Psycho, 2008
The fanatic behind the wheel of his steed. (Yes the boat sleeps in the garage, while the car and truck spend the night in the rain)

Preparations, 2008
Spending hours organizing and preparing your boat days before a tournament begins might be construed as a little eccentric to say the least.

The Happy Fisherman, 2008
This towel aptly describes the sense of humor between tournament fishermen... dirty.
Notice the "Mustache Rides 5
¢" button on the top left holding the towel up.

Let me know what you think about this first installment, I could use the criticism.